Steps to be followed to Register an Employee in the portal:
- Enter GPF/CPS/PRAN Number
- Verify the mobile number entered by your DDO.
- If mobile number is not correct, contact your DDO to update the mobile number.
- Click on Generate OTP button. OTP Stands for One Time Password.
- Receive the OTP in your registered mobile number.
- Enter Date of Birth.
- Enter New Password.
- Re-Enter New Password, to confirm.
- Enter OTP as received on your mobile.
- Enter Security Code as displayed on screen.
- At last click on Register Button.
- Login with new password.
- If you are already registered and forgot the password, then click on Forgot Password?.
Verify your Mobile Number and Click on Generate OTP to receive OTP on above Mobile Number.
Contact your DDO to update your Mobile Number.
OTP will be valid for 1 (One) Day
Fill all the details and OTP received on your mobile to Register.